Disclaimer! These rules are translated from the Finnish rules, and in case of conflict the Finnish rules are deemed to be the “right” rules.
1. Chapter: General
1 § Name and place of residence Association name is Metal Clum Mökä ry, unofficially abbreviated as MC Mökä. In these rules it is called as club. The club is based in the city of Espoo.
2 § Purpose and operation of the club The purpose of the club is to unite Aalto University’s heavy music enthusiasts and develop their hobby. To fulfill its purpose, the club offers its members the opportunity to enjoy music with other members of the club. The club can organize trips for its members to industry events and can also organize concerts, competitions, courses, etc. events itself. The club can also organize joint orders for material related to the field.
3 § Supporting operations In order to support its activities, the club can accept donations and bequests, own property necessary for its activities and, after obtaining the relevant permission, implement raffles and fundraisers.
4 § Club languages The club’s official language is Finnish. The language of minutes and announcements is Finnish. The board can use the minutes language of its choice in its meetings.
2. Chapter: Members and fees
5 § Members The members of the club are regular, external, supporting and honorary members. Anyone wishing to become a member must notify the board, which accepts the members. Every member of Aalto University’s Student Union, later referred to as AYY in these rules, who is interested in the club’s activities, can be accepted as a full member of the club. Only AYY members can be regular members. Only regular members have the right to vote at club meetings. A person interested in the club’s activities who cannot be accepted as a regular member can be accepted as an external member of the club. A person or organization that supports the club’s activities can be accepted as a supporting member of the club. The meeting of the club can invite a person who has made a special contribution to the club’s activities or otherwise significantly promoted its efforts as an honorary member of the club by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes cast. The board makes the proposal to invite the member as an honorary member, but a group of ten (10) club members also has the right to do so.
6 § List of members The club must keep a membership list of all its members. The member is obliged to notify the club of changes to his place of residence and name.
7 § Membership fees Members are obliged to pay a membership fee to the club every calendar year, the amount of which is determined by the club’s annual meeting. However, exceptions are:
- honorary members;
- regular members who have reported their absence to Aalto University for the entire membership fee period, or for at least half of the membership fee period when they have paid the previous season’s membership fee and have been absent for at least half of the period.
8 § Resignation from the club A member can resign from the club by notifying the club’s board of directors or its chairman in writing or orally at the club’s meeting.
9 § Expulsion from the club A member is considered resigned if he has not paid his membership fee within one year of the due date. The board can dismiss a member who has grossly acted against the purpose of the club. The board of the club can, for a justified reason, prohibit a member from participating in the club’s activities for a limited period of time. The ban does not apply to club meetings. Before the decision is made, the relevant member must be given an opportunity to give an explanation in the case, except when the reason for dismissal is non-payment of the membership fee. The dismissal decision must be delivered in writing to the dismissed member without delay.
10 § Complaining about the dismissal decision The suspended member has the right to appeal the decision in writing to the club meeting, which must then confirm the decision with a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. The complaint must be submitted to the board within thirty (30) days of the publication of the revised minutes of the board meeting on the club’s e-mail list and it must be dealt with mostly at the next club meeting, however no later than sixty (60) days from the date of filing the complaint.
3. Chapter: Club meetings
11 § Club meetings The club’s meetings include the annual meeting, election meeting and extra meetings.
12 § Annual meeting The annual meeting must be held by the end of February and must deal with at least:
- Activity report from the previous year;
- financial statements
- statement of operational inspectors;
- approval of the financial statements;
- granting discharge of liability to the debtors;
- the action plan prepared by the board for the current term;
- the budget prepared by the board for the current term;
- the size of membership fee’s for the current term;
- due date for payment of membership fee’s.
13 § Election meeting The election meeting must be held during November and must deal with at least:
- election of the board president, secretary, treasurer and other board members for the next term;
- election of the club’s officers for the next term;
- election of two auditors and their personal deputies for the next term.
14 § Extra meetings An extra meeting is held when the club’s meeting so decides or the board deems it necessary or at least one-tenth of the club’s members with voting rights require it in order to deal with a matter they have notified. The meeting must be held no later than fourteen (14) days after the request is submitted, but outside of lecture periods no later than thirty (30) days after the request is submitted.
15 § Rights in the club meetings All club members have the right to attend and speak at club meetings. Full members have the right to present and the right to vote, so that each member has one (1) vote. With the decision of the meeting, non-members of the association can also be granted the right to attend and the right to speak. The club’s meeting can also grant the right to present to members other than regular members.
16 § Decision making Decisions at the club meeting are made by an absolute majority of the votes cast, unless otherwise stipulated in these rules. In the event of a tie, the opinion of the chairman of the meeting decides, however, in elections, the lottery is held.
17 § Convening The meeting invitation must state the time, place and matters to be discussed at the meeting. The invitation must be published on the club’s e-mail list at least five (5) lecture days or seven (7) days before the meeting, outside lecture periods, however, at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting.
18 § Quorum The meeting has a quorum if it has been convened in the manner prescribed by the rules.
19 § Agenda The matters mentioned in the meeting invitation will be discussed at the meeting. The meeting can also take up a matter that the meeting declares urgent by a three-quarters (3/4) majority of the votes cast. When dealing with changing the rules of the club, the voting and election order, electing or dismissing the board or its member or auditor, confirming the financial statements and granting discharge or dissolving the club, the matter must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.
20 § Dismissal of a trustee or employee The meeting can, for a justified reason, release a trustee or official in the middle of his term of office, in which case it must be mentioned in the meeting invitation.
4. Chapter: board
21 § Board The affairs of the club are handled by the board elected for one calendar year at a time. The board consists of a chairman, secretary and treasurer, as well as two to five (2-5) other members. Only the actual members of the club are eligible for election as chairman of the board of the club.
22 § Board tasks Board’s tasks include
- lead the activites;
- prepare the issues raised at club meetings and implement the decisions made at them;
- manage the club’s finances and property;
- decide on acceptance as a member;
- prepare a proposal for the club’s action plan, budget, activity report and finacial statements;
- supervise the activities of committees and officials;
- convene club meetings when necessary;
- represent the club.
23 § Board members The chairman of the board convenes board meetings and presides over them, takes care of convening the club’s meetings and monitors that the club’s operations are in accordance with the rules. The board appoints a vice-chairman from among its members. The vice-chairman takes care of the duties of the chairman when he is unable to do so. The task of the secretary is to prepare the minutes of club meetings, keep records of club members and take care of the archive. The task of the treasurer is to manage the club’s finances and property and to prepare proposals for financial statements and budget.
24 § Board meetings The board meeting has a quorum if the meeting has been announced in a manner agreed upon by the board and more than half of the board members are present, such that the chairman or vice-chairman is present. Decisions are made by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If the votes are divided equally, the chairman’s opinion decides, but in elections, the lottery is held.
25 § The club’s signatories The name of the club is written by two board members together. One of these must be the chairman or vice-chairman of the board. The board can authorize a full member of the club to write the name of the association alone.
5. Chapter: Officials and committees
26 § Appointment, term of office and participation in activities The club and the board can appoint committees and officials under the board for special tasks. In this case, the lengths of the terms of office must be determined. However, the term of office cannot be longer than a calendar year and can last at most until the end of the respective board’s term of office. Any member of the club can participate in the activities of the committee according to their interest.
6. Chapter: Administration and finance
27 § Operating and accounting period The club’s operating and accounting period is a calendar year.
28 § Auditors The club’s management and administration are supervised by two (2) operations inspectors. Their term of office is a calendar year. The board must submit the financial statements with the necessary documents and the activity report to the auditors no later than twenty-one (21) days before the annual meeting. Accounts must also be provided for verification upon request. The operational auditors must give the board a written report addressed to the club’s annual meeting on the inspection of the club’s administration and accounts no later than fourteen (14) days before the annual meeting.
7. Chapter: Special provisions
29 § Club emblems and signs Thu club’s logos, signs and official notice board are decided by the club’s meeting.
30 § Changing the rules Changes to these rules can be made if the proposed change has been approved by at least three-fourths (3/4) of the votes cast at two (2) consecutive club meetings, which are at least fourteen (14) days apart. The amendment must be mentioned in the meeting invitation. The amendment can be made by the board, one-tenth (1/10) of the club’s regular members, or ten (10) of the club’s regular members in writing to the board. The proposal made by the actual members must be discussed at the next club meeting.
31 § Disbanding of the club The club is dissolved if the club makes a decision about it by a three-fourths (3/4) majority of the votes cast in two (2) consecutive meetings, with an interval of at least thirty (30) days. The dissolution proposal must be mentioned in the meeting invitation. After the club dissolves or becomes liquidated, its funds are transferred to AYY to be used for the purpose according to § 2 of these rules or, if that is impossible, to support AYY’s operations.
32 § Entry into force of a rule change or dissolution A rule change or dissolution decision comes into force when it is entered in the association register.
33 § Matters not specified in the regulations In matters not specified in the rules, the Association Act is followed.